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How Often Should Your Garage Door Receive a Tune-Up?

How Often Should Your Garage Door Receive a Tune-Up?

How Often Should Your Garage Door Receive a Tune-Up?

You rely on your garage door’s complex mechanical system of springs, tracks, hinges, cables and rollers. Many homeowners operate their doors multiple times daily, taking a toll on these components with time. Routine garage door maintenance in the form of a scheduled tune-up is essential for keeping your property in reliable and safe working condition.

What Is a Garage Door Tune-Up?

Many vehicle owners take their car or truck to a mechanic periodically to inspect the engine, replace worn parts and perform other steps to ensure it runs smoothly. A garage door tune-up is a similar service. A well-trained technician will come to your home and execute a specific set of inspection and troubleshooting processes to assess the entire system’s health and make necessary upgrades. 

Examples of the typical garage door tune-up steps include:

  • Inspecting and maintaining the hardware, such as tightening nuts and bolts and lubricating the springs, hinges and rollers.
  • Verifying that the door opens and closes correctly.
  • Checking the opener to ensure it operates properly.
  • Assessing the panels’ condition.
  • Testing the auto-reverse safety mechanism and sensors.
  • Evaluating the control panel.

Why Should You Get Regular Garage Door Tune-Ups?

Just as regular tune-ups can help a vehicle’s engine last longer, they can do the same for a garage door. These inspections enable the technician to detect and correct issues that could impact the door’s longevity, lengthening the time between expensive replacements. Timely checks can also prevent costly repairs. 

Safety is another reason to schedule consistent tune-ups. Conditions like broken springs and doors that close too quickly can be dangerous. A qualified technician can spot and correct these issues before they cause injuries to family members or pets. 

How Often Should You Get a Garage Door Tune-Up?

The door’s age is a primary factor when determining the appropriate service interval. While once a year is a suitable time frame for most doors, every two years is often sufficient for newer or infrequently used models. A semi-annual inspection may become necessary for older units or ones with an extensive history of mechanical issues.

Contact Us for Routine Garage Door Maintenance

The Doorman of Southeast Florida can meet your garage door maintenance needs in South Palm Beach or Broward County. Our $39.95 tune-up service can keep your door functioning correctly and safely at an affordable price. Contact us to request additional information or arrange a convenient appointment today.

Maintenance Tips for Your Florida Beach House

Being a homeowner has a lot of perks and a lot of responsibility. Owning a home means you’re the person in charge of taking care of it and figuring out how to fix any repairs that occur. You’ll need to ensure that you maintain both the interior and exterior of your home so it looks great and all aspects function properly.

The same concept goes for owning a beach home in Florida. The maintenance tasks are similar to a normal Florida home, with a few notable additions that apply to owning a home on the coastline.

This guide will help you learn how to keep your Florida beach house in excellent condition and what to do when something in your home needs maintenance.

How Do You Maintain a Beach House?

Many people dream about living on the beach. Having a view of the ocean and being steps away from the sand is incredible. While owning a home on the beach is a luxury, you’ll need to maintain the property to keep all aspects of your Florida beach house pristine.

Beach homes will need attention on typical home maintenance areas plus features that may need maintenance because of your home’s proximity to the water. It’s important to know some maintenance tips for your beach home that will protect all aspects of your house.

Florida Beach Home Maintenance Checklist

Take the best care of your coastal Florida home and complete this beach house maintenance checklist:

1. Check the Smoke Detectors

Electronic safety devices, like smoke detectors, must be inspected to ensure they are still working properly. Batteries in your smoke detector can die, or other components of the device can stop working over time. Testing the smoke detectors and changing out batteries can help keep your beach home safe. Test your smoke detectors about once a month and change out the batteries at least once a year. You should also replace the entire system every 10 years. It’s helpful to reference your smoke detectors manual if you have any issues with the devices.

2. Check the Fire Extinguishers

Ensuring that your home is safe includes inspecting the fire extinguisher in your beach house. Knowing that your fire extinguisher is operating properly will give you the reassurance you need in the case of an emergency.

Read your fire extinguishers manual to become familiar with its functions. The manual may inform you of specific maintenance requirements that can help extend the life span of your fire extinguisher.

Next, ensure your fire extinguisher is somewhere in your home that you have easy access to. This includes the kitchen, garage, near fireplaces or rooms that contain components like the HVAC system, furnace and more.

Check the fire extinguisher’s inspection tag and gauge the pressure. The inspection tag will be around the neck of the extinguisher, and the gauge needle should be pointing toward the green zone.

Finally, ensure that the hose and pin of the fire extinguisher are in place, inspect for physical damage and update your inspection tag with the date you completed the inspection. 

3. Check the HVAC Unit and Monitor Humidity Levels

You must check your HVAC system in your Florida beach home for two reasons — you want your system to heat or cool your home when you need it, and you want to inspect the humidity levels in your home. Living near the coast can bring high humidity levels, and you want to check that high humidity levels do not impact your beach home’s HVAC system. You can check your beach home’s humidity levels with a hygrometer or using DIY methods.

4. Check for Leaks in the Home

Inspect your home for leaks inside and outside of your beach house. You should check places like your roof, doors, windows, garden hoses, appliances and other locations that could allow water to enter the inside of your home. Look out for signs of mold and mildew around these locations and ensure you’re inspecting these areas safely. 

5. Inspect and Clean Your Home’s Exterior

The outside of your home is exposed to numerous elements, especially being by the ocean. Dirt and grime can build up on parts of your home’s exterior over time, which can impact the appearance and curb appeal of your beach house. Inspect the outside of your home and clean it with a power washer to remove any tough build-up of dirt and other debris. 

6. Make Sure Your Garage Door Works

Your home’s garage door is a significant part of your home’s exterior. It contributes to your home’s curb appeal and is likely a major entryway for you and your family. Inspecting your garage door can help improve its functionality and ensure it lasts a long time. In Florida, garage doors can sustain damage from high winds and storms, especially on the shore.

The best way to keep your garage door running smoothly and looking great is to schedule periodic maintenance. You can easily schedule garage door maintenance or annual tune-ups with your local overhead door company. You can also clean your garage door to keep it looking its best and to prevent rust. Maintaining your beach home’s garage door can help improve your home’s safety and help you avoid costly emergency repairs.

7. Clean the Pool

If your Florida beach home has a pool, you should include the pool on your home’s maintenance list. Ensure that the pool is clean by cleaning out debris, checking the chemical levels and replacing or cleaning the filter. You can also make sure that your pool cover is free of tears and that it secures properly over your pool.

8. Clean Up Your Yard

Keeping up with landscaping and other parts of your yard can improve its visual appearance and prevent an abundance of pests and invasive plants. Perform regular yard maintenance like mowing the lawn, weeding, trimming bushes and watering plants. Also, remember to prune any dead leaves off of palm trees surrounding your beach house.

9. Check Your Deck for Saltwater Damage

If your beach house has a deck over the water, inspect it for any signs of saltwater damage. The repeated exposure to saltwater can impact the integrity of the wood and metal components on the deck, so look for any rust or corrosion and tend to these areas accordingly.

10. Clean Windows to Avoid Corrosion

The salt in the air from being next to the ocean can corrode the framing on your home’s windows. Cleaning your windows regularly can help prevent any damage or corrosion.

Contact The Doorman to Fix Any Garage Door Issues

Maintenance on your beach home in Florida is essential to the appearance and functionality of your home. If you’re experiencing any issues with your garage door or want to prevent them before they happen, contact the experts at The Doorman to schedule service. We’re ready to provide lasting solutions for your Florida beach home’s garage door.

How to Clean Your Garage Door

You likely have a list of spring cleaning chores or other seasonal maintenance tasks to do around the house, like deep cleaning in certain areas of the home. One often overlooked area in these cleaning routines is the garage door. 

The weather in Florida, over the seasons, can have a significant impact on your home’s exterior appearance — especially the garage door. Keeping your garage door well-maintained and properly cleaned will ensure it’s in good working order, all while improving your curb appeal. Discover our garage door cleaning tips and advice below for a clean and well-maintained garage door.

Why Wash Your Garage Door?

Severe weather conditions and regular use and wear mean your door requires proper care and maintenance. For this reason, we recommend washing your garage door at least twice a year and more often if you experience harsh weather conditions. Some of the benefits of washing your garage door regularly include:

  • Protects the finish of your garage door: When dirt and grime sit on the surface of your garage door too long, they can wear away the protective finish of the door, making it look dull. Regular washing can prolong the life of your garage door finish.
  • Improves your curb appeal: A clean garage door simply looks better and will boost your home’s overall curb appeal. If you’re looking to sell your home, improved curb appeal is particularly useful.
  • Maintains the terms of your warranty: Many homeowners don’t realize that regular cleanings are often required to maintain a garage door’s warranty. Neglecting this simple task can void your warranty in some cases. 
  • Keeps rust at bay: Dust and dirt stuck to your garage door can eventually rust the metal parts. Regular cleaning can prevent rust from forming and protect your door.
  • Makes maintenance easier: A clean garage door is easier to inspect, and the act of cleaning can remind you to do a regular maintenance check. It’s easier to notice damage or anything that needs attention when the whole door is clean. 

Do’s and Don’ts of Cleaning Your Garage Door

For best results, use warm water and a gentle dish soap to clean the garage door.

If you want to know how to clean exterior garage doors, there are a few do’s and don’ts you should follow:

  • Do use the right cleaning supplies: For best results, use warm water and a gentle dish soap to clean the garage door. A soft cleaning tool like a rag or sponge is best. Make sure your rag or sponge is clean so you’re not rubbing more dirt onto the surface of the garage door.
  • Do clean all parts of the garage door: Cleaning the outside of the garage door enhances curb appeal, but remember the inside of the door, the tracks and other components. Maintaining those areas will help your garage door opener run properly. 
  • Do work carefully: Your garage door has many delicate parts, such as the sensors, which need to be in perfect alignment for the garage door to work properly. If you aren’t careful while cleaning, you could misalign these components and need professional help to fix them.
  • Don’t use a power washer: It can be tempting to try, but a power washer is likely too harsh for your garage door. Use the spray from your garden hose to rinse instead. 
  • Don’t oil your garage door parts: Using oil on the mechanisms of your garage door won’t do much to help and could even create stickier surfaces for dirt and debris to cling to. 

How to Clean Most Garage Door Types

For almost all types of garage doors, including fiberglass, you can follow these simple steps for cleaning:

  1. Lightly spray the door with water: Start by getting the door wet, but don’t use too much water pressure. 
  2. Get your soap mixture ready: In a large bucket, combine about 5 gallons of warm water with a cup of dish soap or another gentle cleanser. 
  3. Choose a gentle cleaning tool: Use a soft cloth or sponge to spread your soap solution over the door. 
  4. Work from top to bottom: Use a step ladder if necessary to reach the top parts of the door and work your way downward. Rinse your cloth when it becomes dirty and get more cleaning solution.
  5. Spray with a hose to rinse: After all surfaces have been cleaned, use your hose to gently spray all over and rinse off. You can let the door air dry or use a new dry cloth to dry it off.

How to Clean Metal Garage Doors

If you have a metal garage door, you can follow the steps above for general cleaning. It’s important to use cleansers that do not have more than 0.5% phosphate to avoid damaging the metal finish. You can use a water and bleach solution to spot-clean stains on metal doors, but don’t mix the bleach with your soap solution — rinse well in between these steps.

How to Clean Wooden Garage Doors

For wooden garage doors, the general cleaning steps listed above will work, as well. After you wash the door, you’ll want to inspect the finish to see if there are any spots where it is wearing thin. If you can see the wooden substrate start to show through, you should prime the trouble spots and apply a new coat of finish. 

How to Wash Garage Door Windows

Not all garage doors have windows, but if yours does, you’ll want to take a few extra steps to properly clean and care for your garage door windows. The process is not much different from the rest of the garage door. Here’s how to clean garage door windows:

  1. Rinse windows with warm water.
  2. Use the same soap solution to clean off any dirt and grime. 
  3. Rinse away any remaining soap residue.
  4. Dry the windows with a microfiber towel to avoid leaving streaks or lint behind.
  5. Replace inserts in the correct places in the garage door. 

Contact The Doorman for Professional Garage Door Installation, Replacement and Repairs

Even with the best way to clean your garage door in mind, there’s more you can do to maintain this feature. At The Doorman of Southeast Florida, we understand the importance of keeping your garage doors clean and well-maintained. If your garage door issue goes beyond just a little dirt and grime, we can help. We provide professional garage door services from residential garage installations to garage door maintenanceContact us today for a free quote for your garage door needs.

Contact The Doorman for professional garage door installation, replacement and repairs.


Top Reasons Why Your Garage Door Won’t Open

For average Florida homeowners, the garage is the most frequent and convenient entrance and exit to the home. With multiple cycles performed every day and regular exposure to the elements, your garage door is bound to experience wear and tear that may prevent it from opening properly when prompted.

When your garage door won’t open, the source of the issue could be a variety of different sources, from minor garage door opener setting issues to major component failures that compromise the safety and functionality of your door.

Whether your garage door refuses to open entirely, starts to open then reverses, or won’t open manually, homeowners should know the most common reasons why a garage door won’t open properly and understand which issues can be easily addressed and which require professional attention.

Common Explanations for Why Your Garage Door Won’t Open Automatically

Garage doors rely on a system of moving parts to effectively and smoothly raise and lower the door when instructed. When your garage door won’t open properly, don’t panic. It’s best to first investigate simple malfunctions that can affect garage door performance.

Some common and minor reasons why your garage door may not be opening are:

Photo-Eye Sensor Malfunctions

Located at the base of your garage door is a pair of photo-eye sensors. This safety feature is responsible for reversing the direction of a closing garage door if it detects an item in the pathway of the door. Photo-eye sensors can easily become misaligned, interrupting the beam between the two units and indicating an “obstruction” in the door’s downward pathway. If your garage door won’t close, check that the sensors haven’t become misaligned or are dirty.

Improper Sensitivity Settings

Typically an issue for newly installed garage doors, improper sensitivity settings are a feature of the garage door opener, allowing the machine to know how much force is needed to lift and lower a door. If the settings are off or weren’t switched from factory settings, the opener will recognize the door as too lightweight to require lifting force or too heavy for the weight allowance of the opener. When this setting is off, the garage door won’t open.

Garage Door Opener Isn’t Receiving Power

A simple reason why your garage door won’t open automatically is that the power source to the opener has been disconnected. Check that the opener is still plugged into the outlet and that your garage is receiving power.

The Door is Manually Locked

When you’ve checked every other basic explanation, inspect your opener’s lock mode and the door’s manual lock if it has one. Sometimes newer garage door openers will manually lock if you hold the wall-mounted button down for several seconds. Once locked, a single press of the button won’t prompt the door to open. Also, check whether the manual lock installed on the garage wasn’t accidentally engaged.

Opener Keypad is Out of Sync

If your garage door opener works, but the wall-mounted keypad won’t trigger operation, then you might need to reset the opener code. Refer to your garage door opener owner’s manual for more information on resetting the code.

Worst-Case Scenarios: Reasons Why Your Garage Door Isn’t Opening

After troubleshooting the most common and basic causes for why a garage door won’t open, it’s best to investigate the condition of your garage door system and determine if a more severe issue is causing malfunctions.

When the problem’s source isn’t dead remote batteries, photo-eye sensor issues, or opener setting issues, check for the following:

Broken Torsion or Extension Springs

When you press the opener remote button and the motor is running, but the door won’t open, your spring system might be damaged. Broken torsion or extension springs are the most common garage door repair issues for Florida homeowners. Garage door springs are rated according to maximum garage door cycles. When that lifespan is up, the spring can snap unexpectedly. This system counterbalances the weight of the door, but with damaged springs, the door won’t be able to open. To determine if the spring is damaged, check for large gaps between the coils.

Snapped Cables

Along with the spring system, the cables help facilitate smooth and easy garage door opening and closing. Typically, once the springs are broken, the cables will also break. If the springs are damaged, the cables are the only part that prevents the heavy door from slamming to the ground. This can cause significant property damage and damage to the door itself.

Misaligned Garage Door Track

Tracks provide a clear pathway for the door to open and close. If the track becomes even slightly misaligned, it can slow and eventually prevent the door from opening. Damaged tracks typically make squeaking sounds as the rollers move along the area.

Stripped Opener Gear

As garage door openers age, the regular strain of opening and closing can cause the motor’s gears to strip. When a gear has stripped, homeowners can typically hear the motor whirring and trying to lift the door, but it won’t move. Sometimes the gears can be replaced. In other instances, the entire garage door opener needs replacement.

While it’s often tempting to visit your local hardware store to buy replacement parts and tools to repair damaged garage door components, these garage door issues that prevent the door from opening are severe and should only be repaired by a professionally trained garage door technician.

Trust The Doorman of Southeast Florida for Effective Garage Door Repairs

A garage door that won’t open can be inconvenient and hazardous. But with prompt, reliable, and helpful garage door repairs from The Doorman, you can get back to your business or your routine throughout southeastern Florida without hassle. We respond quickly to all garage door repair service calls with fully loaded trucks, ready to inspect and diagnose garage door issues and develop appropriate repair solutions.

Learn more about our garage door repair solutions today. Call us at 561.600.9606 to speak to a team member or complete our online form to schedule services.

Common Reasons Why Your Garage Door Won’t Close

After years of reliable use, you find one morning that after pressing the remote control button several times, your garage door just won’t close. While having a garage door that won’t close is an inconvenient and time-consuming hassle, it’s one of the most common garage door issues Florida homeowners experience. Being the most frequently used daily entrance and exit to your home, a garage door that won’t close can result from minor issues like obstructions in the path of the door or more severe issues like a broken spring or cable.

Garage doors left open present a significant home security and safety issue and should be addressed as soon as possible. When your garage door won’t close, make sure to note common repair signs and determine whether professional attention is needed.

What to Do When Your Garage Door Won’t Close

When your home’s garage door won’t close, you can’t just leave it open until you find a convenient time to address the issue. In many instances when the door won’t close properly, there’s a simple explanation for the cause of the malfunction. By performing initial troubleshooting steps, you can often quickly determine why the garage door won’t close and end up saving money by avoiding a service call from a professional.

If your garage door won’t close, look at the following action items first:

  • Perform a visual inspection: When the garage door won’t close, it’s best to first perform a visual inspection of the garage door parts and components, checking for signs of visible damage.
  • Check photo-eye sensors: If there are no obvious signs of damage, look at the photo-eye sensors at the base of the door. Make sure there’s nothing blocking the sensors, that the sensors are properly aligned, and that each unit is free of debris. In many cases, dirt and grime can obscure the sensor lenses, confusing the part into thinking there’s an obstruction in the path of the closing door.
  • Press the wall-mounted keypad: When the parts of the garage door appear in good condition and there’s no object in the way of the door, homeowners should check whether the door will close when using the wall-mounted keypad. Press the interior wall station button, using constant pressure, until the door touches the ground. If the garage door is able to close with the wall pad, it likely indicates a problem with the remote control such as a dead battery or a short within the garage door opener’s circuit board. Check the condition of the circuit board by cleaning and realigning the photo-eye sensors. These pieces often get shorted after a power surge or electrical strike.
  • Release the emergency cord: If your garage door still won’t close after troubleshooting common issues, ensure the safety and security of your home by manually closing the garage door. Use the manual door release cord located on the garage door opener. This red lever will release the garage door from the opener, allowing you to gently lower the door into the downward position using the handle mounted to the bottom garage door panel.
  • Contact a professional repair technician: Once the garage door has been securely lowered and locked, if your garage door has a manual door locking mechanism, call a qualified garage door repair technician to inspect your garage door system and identify the reason why the door won’t close. A professional will be able to determine whether there’s a damaged component, an issue with the garage door opener, if there’s a binding issue, or if your garage door just needs a tuneup.

Reasons Why Your Garage Door Won’t Close

While there are several ways to identify and fix common garage door issues yourself, there are a few severe instances when you’ll need assistance from a professional.

After looking over your garage door system and finding no simple and safe DIY solutions, your door likely has a broken or damaged component preventing the door from closing properly. Common components that prevent your garage door from closing properly include:

  • Broken springs or cables: Torsion or extension springs and cables are some of the most crucial components in your garage door system. These parts are responsible for counterbalancing the weight of the door and allowing the opener to lift and lower it smoothly. Broken springs and cables are some of the most dangerous garage door repair issues that prevent the door from closing. Springs at the end of their lifespan can snap unexpectedly, making a loud banging sound, or will show visible signs of age, like gaps between spring coils. Damaged cables will often unspool from the drum or appear frayed.
  • Misaligned garage door tracks: In the garage, there’s a lot of movement and coming and going. With daily activity, it’s normal for the garage door tracks to be accidentally hit and become misaligned. The track provides a clear pathway for the door to travel when it opens and closes. When the track is ajar, it can slow and even prevent movement of the door.
  • Improperly programmed limit settings: In some instances, the garage door opener’s limit settings may be improperly programmed. The limit settings signal the machine to know how much movement is required to completely open or close the door. When the garage door is installed, a technician will set this program according to the height and weight of the door. When the setting is programmed too high, the opener will assume the door closed too early once it touches the ground, thinking the ground is an object and not the end of the cycle.

Contact The Doorman, Southeastern Florida’s Best Source for Residential Door Repairs and Maintenance

When your garage door won’t close, no matter the cause, you can rely on the trained local professionals at The Doorman to perform prompt and effective garage door repairs. We happily provide garage door services for homeowners throughout southeastern Florida, including the Boca Raton, Ft. Lauderdale and Palm Beach areas.

Contact us today to learn more about our garage door repair services or call 561.600.9606 to request an appointment.

The Best Times of the Year to Have Your Garage Door Serviced in Southeast Florida

Florida homeowners are in the habit of regularly inspecting their home’s foundation, roofing, gutters, and windows to preserve the curb appeal and condition of their homes and to ensure protection against harsh tropical storms and hurricanes. One of the most important tasks missing from most Florida homeowner maintenance checkups is inspecting their home’s garage door system.

Garage doors are the most frequently used and convenient daily entrance to most Florida homes, and many homeowners forget that this is the largest moving fixture of the house. If the garage door were to unexpectedly fail, it would pose a significant safety, convenience and security issue. During annual storms, garage doors are also a crucial component protecting the house from extreme conditions and damages caused by atmospheric pressure changes.

The best way to preserve the look and functionality of your garage door all year long is to regularly perform garage door maintenance and schedule garage door tune-up services with a professional garage door company.

Reasons Florida Homes Need Routine Garage Door Maintenance

Many homeowners expect their garage door to dependably lift and lower without fail throughout its lifespan. However, with daily use and regular exposure to the elements, the parts and components of garage doors can eventually succumb to wear and tear.

Regular garage door maintenance performed by homeowners and professional technicians preserves the quality of your garage door system and offers the following benefits:

  • Greater convenience: Garage doors provide a safe and easy entrance to your home and protection for your car. When your garage is damaged or won’t open or close properly, you’ll find your home isn’t as functional or convenient on a day-to-day basis.
  • Reduced repair costs: When you schedule regular garage door tune-up services, technicians thoroughly inspect the condition of your garage door components, like springs, cables, and tracks, and lubricate moving parts like belts, chains, hinges and rollers. With maintenance services, technicians can identify worn parts early on and develop effective repair solutions to save you time and money in the future.
  • Increased lifespan: With regular upkeep and being able to identify repair needs earlier on, your garage door system will remain in better shape, increasing the longevity of your door and opener.
  • Improved safety: Damaged garage doors present a significant hazard to homeowners. Doors are incredibly heavy and under immense pressure. When the door fails or breaks unexpectedly, it can crash down on objects and cause severe injuries or property damage. If a garage door spring snaps while in use, it can cause serious injury as well.

How Often Should a Garage Door Be Serviced? 

Garage door maintenance services should be scheduled with a professional door company at least once every year.

During routine garage door tune-ups, trained professionals will prolong the longevity of the door and ensure smooth and dependable performance by lubricating moving components, tightening loose hardware, adjusting spring tension, inspecting garage door opener operations and performing safety tests. As needed, they’ll identify potential repairs and develop appropriate solutions according to your household’s needs and budget.

Along with annual professional maintenance services, homeowners should regularly perform visual garage door inspections by:

  • Regularly listening for unusual garage door noises like clicking or grinding.
  • Tightening any loose screws or fasteners on garage door hinges and roller brackets.
  • Testing garage door balance.
  • Replacing worn or damaged weatherstripping.
  • Visually inspecting crucial components like cables, springs and tracks.
  • Looking over photo-eye sensors and testing auto-reverse safety features.
  • Examining the door itself, fixing broken windows, and checking for warps, chips or rust.

Best Time of the Year for Southeast Florida Homes to Schedule a Garage Door Tune-Up

Spring is a time for renewal, when many homeowners are performing maintenance and repairs to their homes after a long and brutal winter season. While winter months in Florida are generally temperate and calm, it’s still important for homeowners to inspect their home, especially before the long upcoming hurricane season hits.

The best time of the year for Florida homeowners to schedule professional garage door maintenance is during the spring, before the heavy and harsh severe storm conditions roll in during the summer and throughout late fall. With a springtime garage door tune-up, a trained technician will verify the structure and functionality of the garage door itself and its components.

Contact The Doorman Today to Schedule Garage Door Maintenance Services

A damaged or unreliable garage door can be inconvenient and dangerous. When you have The Doorman perform routine garage door maintenance and determine a garage door spring service schedule, you’re guaranteed comprehensive services, local expertise and personalized solutions.

Schedule garage door maintenance services today by filling out our online form or by calling 561.600.9606. We happily provide annual garage door maintenance services for only $39.95 for homeowners throughout Palm Beach County, Broward County and beyond.

The Most Common Garage Door Opener Issues

Consider how often you open and close your garage door every day. For most southeastern Florida homeowners, the garage door cycles up to 1,500 times every year. Homeowners often take garage doors for granted as the main entryway to their homes, offering a safe and convenient entrance. The garage door opener is the key to this convenience. When your garage door opener stops functioning properly, you might have to put your whole routine on hold.

Whether your garage door won’t close all of the way, makes unusual sounds while operational, or refuses to open or close at all, the cause of the issue could be simple for homeowners to diagnose and fix. By understanding common garage door opener issues and how to resolve them, you can become a more responsible and knowledgable homeowner. You’ll know when to attempt a fix yourself and when it’s far better and safer to reach out to a trained garage door professional.

Common Garage Door Opener Issues

Even the highest-quality garage door openers will likely experience issues and need repairs after years of usage and daily cycling.

With regular use, garage door openers will eventually succumb to worn-out hardware and other malfunctions. Minor issues like dead remote batteries and misaligned photo-eye sensors can easily and quickly be fixed by homeowners. More severe opener problems may indicate you need a garage door opener replacement.

By understanding common garage door opener issues, you can avoid major repair costs, door damage, and other inconveniences like being stranded outside of your garage or trapped inside of it.

Garage Door Reverses Before Hitting the Floor or Won’t Close

When the garage door opens normally, but won’t close, there’s a variety of possible issues homeowners should investigate:

  • Close-limit switch setting: When the opener was installed, the technician set the limit switch, telling the opener when the door has reached the floor. The limit switch setting is based on the size and weight of the door. If this was improperly programmed or was accidentally changed, the opener will think the door closed too early once it touches the floor, thinking the ground is an object and not the end of the closing cycle.
  • Photo-eye sensor adjustment: At the base of the garage door are electronic photo-eyes casting a beam between themselves. When the beam is disrupted, the garage door opener prevents the door from closing to avoid damaging or injuring an item or person. The pathway between the two photo-eye sensors must stay clear to allow the door to close smoothly. If the sensors have become misaligned or dirty, the door won’t close.

Garage Door Won’t Open Completely

After clicking the remote button, the garage door may open, but not entirely, and prevent your car from entering or exiting the garage. If the garage opens but stops short of its full open position, then the garage door opener’s up-limit switch may be programmed incorrectly.

The programming mechanism is typically a touch-lever mounted near the end of the track, close to the opener motor. If this lever is set too far from the motor, the door will stop the door’s ascension before it is fully opened. To fix the up-limit switch setting, move it closer to the motor.

The Door Opens but the Motor Still Runs

While less common, if the garage door opener raises and lowers the door, but you hear the motor whirring once the cycle ends, then the up-limit switch is positioned too close to the motor and needs to be moved away.

It’s important that the limit switch is set properly. This setting lets the opener know the proper distance to the floor and triggers the motor to stop running. This issue typically occurs immediately after the garage door opener has been installed. Troubleshoot the limit switch positioning by moving it farther from the motor in small increments and then testing the garage door opener’s operation.

Remote or Wall-Mounted Pad Won’t Trigger Operation

It’s often frustrating for homeowners when you’re on the way home and the garage door won’t open after pressing the remote button several times. There are several things to check to trigger opener operation. Make sure you’re not trying to open the garage door from too far away — the opener functions at certain distances only. Also, if you can’t remember the last time you swapped your remote’s batteries for fresh ones, try replacing them and try opening the door again.

If the garage door won’t budge after pressing the remote button or wall switch, the power source to your opener has likely been disrupted. First, check that your opener is still plugged into the outlet and hasn’t accidentally been unplugged. If the plug is still inserted, make sure the garage breaker switch isn’t tripped.

After verifying that the power source hasn’t been interrupted, and the door still won’t open and close, the garage door motor may have burned out. When the garage door opener motor no longer works, the only realistic solution is to replace the unit.

Garage Door Opener Not Working? Schedule Garage Door Repairs With The Doorman Today

At The Doorman, we understand how important reliable and smooth garage door operation is for your daily activity. If you’re a homeowner in Broward or Palm Beach County and you need helpful, knowledgable, and prompt garage door opener repairs or maintenance services, reach out to the trained local professionals at The Doorman.

We’re a family-owned company with over 20 years of experience working on residential garage door systems throughout southeast Florida. Our team can handle any type of garage door opener issue, large or small. With every garage door repair project, we guarantee comprehensive repairs, personalized services and affordable solutions.

Schedule garage door opener repairs today or learn more about common garage door opener issues by calling us at 561.600.9606 or complete our online contact form to request a free project quote.

Why Your Garage Door Is So Loud When Opening Or Closing

If your garage door makes a loud noise when opening or closing, it’s a sign that something is not right with your garage door mechanism. You may be wondering what causes a noisy garage door. Depending on the kind of sound you are experiencing, the problem may have a very different origin. Grinding is not the same as squeaking or banging. If it is something small, such as hinges in need of lubricant, you may be able to fix it yourself.

But, if it is something more dangerous, such as a broken torsion spring, it may be time to call a professional. This article can help you diagnose the problem and know when you need an expert’s help.

Clopay Premium Series garage door on a home

Common Garage Door Noises and What They Mean

While some noise is normal, if you are experiencing an unusual sound, you can typically figure out what’s wrong by listening. Is it rattling, creaking or scraping? The specific noise can tell you a lot about the cause of the issue.


A rattle or vibration upon opening your garage door is usually a sign of loose nuts or bolts along the track. You can typically fix this with a wrench and socket. However, over-tightening can damage your garage door as well, so consider calling a professional.

Another explanation for your garage door rattling when opening or closing is poor lubrication. Clopay® recommends lubricating the rollers, hinges and springs in your garage door mechanism once every two months, whether or not you experience an unpleasant sound. This can prevent a sound from recurring and protect against wear.

A rattle can also be a sign of unbalanced doors. If you have just installed a new garage door and are experiencing rattling, it may not have been installed properly.


If your garage door is making a grinding noise when opening or closing, the first place to look is your rollers. Worn rollers, especially metal ones, can cause a grinding sound. They may need lubricant, but if you see signs of wear or damage, it is best to have them replaced. Nylon rollers are an excellent option for noise reduction. They are quieter, need no lubrication, and last just as long as metal rollers.

A misaligned shaft system, problems with the hinges or a bent track can also cause grinding noises. Look for metal filings in these areas to find where metal is scraping against metal.


If your garage door squeaks loudly, you may need to lubricate. The hinges, rollers, pulleys, bearings and springs can all cause squeaking sounds without proper lubrication. By listening closely, you can determine where the sound comes from and apply some lubricant to the offending area. 

If this does not resolve the squeaking problem, check your rollers and ball bearings for loose parts. If there is anything loose, you will also see your doors wobble along the track.


If your garage door makes a loud banging noise when closing or opening, the door may be unbalanced or have a broken torsion spring. The spring may be causing a banging or crashing sound, particularly when the door hits the floor. Check the springs and lubricate them if necessary. If you see any loose or broken springs, call a repair technician as soon as possible. Do not attempt to fix an issue with the springs by yourself, as the high tension makes them very dangerous.

Miami Hurricane Garage Door

Common Garage Door Opener Sounds and What They Mean

If you find nothing wrong with the garage door, take a look at the opener. A garage door opener older than seven years or operated by a chain is prone to some extra noise. Several things could be the cause of a noisy garage door opener.

If you find that nothing is wrong with the opener itself, consider replacing a chain-operated opener with a belt-operated one. You will need the help of an expert to install one, but belt-driven openers are much quieter and can give you some relief.


If you hear rattling from the garage door opener, there might be an issue with the support rails or a loose chain.

A loose chain might also cause a snapping or slapping sound. If jerky movements accompany the sound, the chain is the likely culprit.


If the sound from your garage door opener is more of a grinding noise, the chain and other moving parts need lubrication. Spray a liberal amount of lubricant and try opening and closing the garage door several times to spread the liquid to all parts of the opener. If you are experiencing a grinding sound as well as trouble opening and closing the door, the opener is likely at fault.

A stripped opener gear can also cause a grinding sound. If this is the case, call a professional to replace the equipment.


When your garage door opener is straining, the motor could be defective or have low horsepower. In either case, speak with a professional about retrofitting a new one.

Book Your Garage Door Service

How to Tell When Your Garage Door Needs Repair, Service or Maintenance

Generally speaking, we recommend getting professional maintenance on your garage door and opener once a year. So, if you are experiencing loud and irregular noises, it is a good idea to have an expert look at your garage.

If you have inadequate lubrication, you can purchase a silicone-based garage door lubricant and resolve the problem on your own. However, a professional garage door tune-up is inexpensive, and your repair person will lubricate all moving parts and catch other issues before they become dangerous.

If you choose to work on your own garage door, disconnect the opener and work with a partner to prevent injury. Do not attempt to replace rollers, hinges or springs on your own. A mistake could cause your garage door to fall off the tracks and lead to severe injury or death.

Schedule a Tune-Up or Get a Free Estimate Today

Garage door noises can be very frustrating, especially if you can’t identify the cause on your own. The Doorman of Southeast Florida will provide you with honest door repair, service and maintenance, and our friendly staff will help keep your garage door system in good condition. We offer an annual tune-up for only $39.95 and can give you a free estimate if you are experiencing any issues. To schedule service, call 561.600.9606 or contact us online.

Why Is Preventive Maintenance Important for Your Garage Door?

Why Is Preventive Maintenance Important for Your Garage Door?

If you’re like many homeowners in Southeast Florida, you likely don’t give a lot of thought to the function of your garage door — until it gets stuck or it won’t open or close at all. But when you consider that you and your family probably operate the door several times per day, it’s easy to see it can experience significant wear and tear. Without timely preventive maintenance, your garage door system will eventually incur mechanical issues that can lead to costly repairs and possibly shorten its lifespan.

What Does Garage Door Maintenance Involve?

Preventive maintenance for garage doors entails a series of troubleshooting steps and minor adjustments, including:

  • Observing and listening during operation to detect signs of trouble such as rough, uneven movement, as well as sounds like scraping or grinding
  • Tightening loose nuts, bolts and hardware
  • Testing the balance by opening the door halfway and seeing if it begins to fall down
  • Replacing the worn rubber weatherstripping at the bottom of the door opening
  • Lubricating all moving parts
  • Inspecting and — if necessary — replacing the rollers
  • Checking the high-tension cables for loose strands or fraying
  • Testing the auto-reverse function, which is the safety feature that causes the door to reverse direction automatically if it encounters an object during lowering
  • Checking the tracks for signs of water damage, cracking and debris and adjusting the plumb as needed
  • Inspecting the door for signs of rot or warping (wood doors) or rust (steel doors)

Learn More About Garage Door Preventative Maintenance

What Are the Benefits of Preventive Garage Door Maintenance?

While performing all these steps might sound like a lot of work, it is worth the effort. Timely garage door maintenance offers the following benefits for any homeowner:

  • Safety: A heavy garage door that falls on a family member or pet can cause serious injuries and even death. Routine maintenance will give you the peace of mind of knowing you’re taking the appropriate safety precautions.
  • Lowering Long-Term Ownership Costs: Regular maintenance can limit the likelihood of a major repair that could cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars. It can also prolong the door’s lifespan, lengthening the time between replacements.
  • Preserving the Appearance: Remedying a small chip or crack in the door will help to prevent the spread of rust or rot that will detract from its appearance. This will also allow you to maintain your home’s curb appeal.
  • Security: An improperly maintained garage door could make it easier for intruders to break into the garage and gain access to the rest of your home.
  • Holding Value: A home with a well-maintained garage door will be more attractive to prospective buyers, allowing you to get the maximum value when the time comes to put your house on the market.

The Doorman Provides Professional, Affordable Garage Door Maintenace Services in Southeast Florida

Based in Bacon Raton, FL, The Doorman offers a $39.95 garage door tune-up special, giving you a cost-effective preventive maintenance solution you can trust. Contact us for more information and to schedule a convenient appointment today.

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